OIV Smartino

Intelligent solution for early wildfire detection

What is OIV Fire Detect AI?

Intelligent solution for early wildfire detection

OIV FireDetect AI is smart and integrated system for monitoring of remote areas to detect early start of wildfires. It is intended for all professionals who protect forests and rescue people and property.

Smartino hero

OIV Fire Detect AI overview

Panoramic 360° HD video cameras

AI-enabled software

Network Operations Center 

How does OIV Fire Detect AI Work?

  • Panoramic 360° cameras provide live video feed from monitored areas
  • AI-enabled software analyses camera video feeds for early signs of forest fires (smoke during day-time, fire over nights)
  • Knowledge from actual fires are used to further improve artificial intelligence algorithms
  • Operators can control cameras to perform additional checks and flag eventual false-positive detections
  • Firefighters on fireline have access to camera's video stream and photos for updates about current wildfire situation

Key features & benefits

Unique solution for early detection of wildfires.

Panoramic 360° full HD video cameras, AI software for fire & smoke detection (day & night operating mode), 24/7 supervising , OIV's know-how.

Panoramic 360° full HD video cameras

360° coverage, detect signs of fire in real time

Automatic & manual modes for camera scanning

When in automatic mode, the camera can detect a fire 10 km away, and in manual mode it can detect a fire 25 km away

Telescoping masts

Two panoramic 360° HD cameras on each telescoping mast (preferable high-ground position)

AI software for fire and smoke detection

Fire is detected based on the automatic image analysis, which enables early detection and prompt response

Day & night monitoring

Fire Detect AI automatically recognizes smoke during daytime and fire during night time

Reliable Network Operations Center (NOC)

The system is exceedingly reliable due to redundancy and its uptime (one operator can monitor up to 1 000 km

OIV's know-how

experience in providing reliable communication & data networks outside urban areas

Stable operation of the entire Platform

camera, transmission networks, DC power supply, servers, storage, possibility of eliminating interference without going into the field

What happens when wildfire is detected?

  • When OIV Fire Detect AI detects a wildfire, an alarm is activated with the location of the fire
  • Human operators in NOC confirm OIV Fire Detect AI did, in fact, detect a real fire
  • EDC alarms first responders
  • Multiple fire-spreading simulations are evaluated and the results are forwarded to the on-site crews and command
  • Live video and photos are forwarded to the firefighters on fireline, providing real-time updates of wildfire direction changes

Implementation in Croatia

We provide full service - from project scoping to implementation and support

Step 1
Terrain assessment

We do detailed on-site assessment of terrain to gather as much as possible knowledge about wildfire risks, weather situations, required camera locations (depends on area size, terrain configuration etc).

Step 2
Project proposal

We present you detailed project proposal with specifications of all required equipment (cameras, networks, energy sources) and operating proceses (how to alarm firefighters and emergency services). You can have full confidence that implemented FireDetect will really help with early wildfire detection.

Step 3

We install all FireDetect AI related equipment (cameras, network devices), connect and configure network & software for optimal performance for your terrain situation. Eventual construction work, we expect to be provided by client (telescoping masts/towers for hosting cameras).

Step 4

We will educate your staff on how to use FireDetect AI application and by showing them real-world situations make sure they are fully trained from beginning.

Step 5

All our equipment is monitored 24/7 from our Network Operations Center for any sign of problems, and we can provide other kinds of support as will be detailed in SLA.

Technical specifications

Panoramic 360° cameras

  • PTZ video camera employs dual technologies for daytime (colour imaging) and nighttime (black and white imaging)
  • Easily operated, 32x optical zoom
  • Designed for all types of weather
  • A lens enabling a vertical viewing angle of 360° and a horizontal viewing angle of +/-110°
  • Integrated web server for video signal transmission

Cloud Data Center

  • High level of availability enabled by a link and server redundancy system
  • Storage of individual videos (JPEG) recorded in the previous 24 hours
  • Storage of all images related to detected fire alarms, recorded during one season
  • Storage of camera recordings made in automatic mode

Fire Detect AI Application

  • Displays all current videos from all cameras in digital M-JPEG or MPEG-4 format
  • Automatic fire detection (smoke during daytime, fire during nighttime)
  • System's alarm parameters can be set
  • System components can be disabled from a remote location
  • Statistical evaluation of automatic detection
  • System users classified by their authorization level
  • Remote manual camera operation (azimuth, elevation, zoom)
  • Remote, manual camera setup for automatic fire detection
  • Camera controlled remotely through a digital map
  • Camera controlled remotely through a panoramic view displayed by the camera
  • Archived videos and fire alarm events can be browsed by date and time

Want to order Fire Detect AI service?

Fire Detect AI brochure

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