We provide full service - from project scoping to implementation and support
Step 1
Terrain assessment
We do detailed on-site assessment of terrain to gather as much as possible knowledge about wildfire risks, weather situations, required camera locations (depends on area size, terrain configuration etc).
Step 2
Project proposal
We present you detailed project proposal with specifications of all required equipment (cameras, networks, energy sources) and operating proceses (how to alarm firefighters and emergency services). You can have full confidence that implemented FireDetect will really help with early wildfire detection.
Step 3
We install all FireDetect AI related equipment (cameras, network devices), connect and configure network & software for optimal performance for your terrain situation. Eventual construction work, we expect to be provided by client (telescoping masts/towers for hosting cameras).
Step 4
We will educate your staff on how to use FireDetect AI application and by showing them real-world situations make sure they are fully trained from beginning.
Step 5
All our equipment is monitored 24/7 from our Network Operations Center for any sign of problems, and we can provide other kinds of support as will be detailed in SLA.