We would like to inform you that company Odašiljači i veze d.o.o. (OIV), Zagreb, Ulica grada Vukovara 269d, MBS: 080428338, OIB: 88150534338, affiliated company Pomorski centar za elektroniku d.o.o. (PCE), Split, Zrinsko-Frankopanska 209, MBS: 060094220, OIB: 77170670093 based on the Merger Agreement dated March 26, 2024 and the Decision of the General Assembly of the merged company dated March 25, 2024 and the Decision of the General Assembly of the acquiring company dated March 26, 2024.
By the decision of the Commercial Court in Zagreb, business number Tt-24/14221-2 dated April 8, 2024, all necessary changes were entered in the court register.
In this way, a unique company was created, and it will continue to participate in the market under the name Odašiljači i veze d.o.o. (TRANSMITTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS L.T.D. Relay and Transmission of radio and Television Programs on behalf of others), now providing additional services in the fields of marine electronics and communications.
By signing the Agreement, OIV formally assumed all obligations and guarantees of PCE, including the guarantee of maintaining and improving the specific capabilities of the Croatian Navy.
The merger will increase the efficiency of the merged Company and improve the utilization of state assets and the total portfolio of state-owned companies.
At the same time, it represents a major contribution to meeting the recommendations and guidelines of the OECD and implementing the reform of the corporate governance of state-owned legal entities, while also creating benefits for the employees of both companies, as well as for their owner - the Republic of Croatia.
Empowered by the potentials of PCE, OIV additionally diversifies its business, significantly increases its revenue potential, reinforces human resources and financial strength, at the same time expanding its market, acquiring new customers, increasing investment potential, and creating concrete business savings.
On the day of registration of the merger at the Commercial Court in Zagreb, Pomorski centar za elektroniku d.o.o. ceased to exist as a company, and Odašiljači i veze d.o.o. continues its operations with all its rights and obligations and is the universal legal successor of the merged company and takes over all assets, rights and obligations, business functions and all legal relationships.