NOC as service


We lease NOC for 24/7 surveillance and maintenance of equipment, communication links and data transmission


From our own Network Operations Centre, we conduct surveillance of your systems, telecommunications capacity, multimedia content and devices, and processing and transmission equipment and infrastructure. Our expert staff independently maintains devices and equipment to ensure that your services are uninterrupted.


Why select NOC as a service?

Our expert technicians monitor mission-critical infrastructure for the public and commercial sectors 24/7, and they will do the same for your services.

On-duty teams assigned to 4 regional centres are sent out immediately after a problem is detected.

We continually invest in equipment, and we have ensured redundancy for all key components. Your services are as secure as ours.

Installation of your equipment

Our expert staff is qualified to install different types of electronic communication devices and equipment (transmitter equipment for radio and television, microwave link equipment, signal processing devices, satellite equipment, etc.) and electrical equipment (power switch boxes, electrical installations, grounding for structures, uninterrupted AC and DC power devices, generators).

Most of our own equipment, as well as the equipment of other users, at OIV facilities was independently installed by our staff. Our engineers and technicians continuously attend courses and seminars and visit the production plants of equipment manufacturers. Experienced and trained installation mechanics are qualified to mount antennas on all types of towers and masts, while we make all types of mounts and structures to hold antennas and antenna arrays in our own workshop.

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Technicians from 4 regional centres are deployed for interventions within 2 hours.


One of the most important features of our operations is providing uninterrupted services. With this in mind, particular attention is dedicated to protective and repair maintenance. Protective maintenance is aimed at reducing the number and duration of interruptions in service, while a rapid response in cases of repair maintenance reduces interruptions in service to the minimum possible time.

Our staff independently maintains devices and equipment used to render services and the accompanying electrical equipment. Thanks to the company’s regional structure, with expert teams based in Zagreb, Osijek, Slavonski Brod, Rijeka, Pula, Otočac, Vrbovsko, Zadar, Split and Dubrovnik, we can offer rapid and effective maintenance of equipment throughout Croatia’s territory.


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If necessary, our maintenance teams will even go to the peak of Biokovo.

We have metres for all types of radio and television equipment and a vehicle to conduct radiometry in the electronic communication network, as well as measurement, testing and determination of interference in the radiofrequency spectrum.

Our own Network Operations Centre (NOC) located in Zagreb conducts surveillance of the transmissions of radio and television programming, multimedia content and processing and transmission devices and equipment, as well as surveillance of infrastructure (electrical equipment, operational spaces) at all major transmitter facilities.





Do you want to order NOC as a service?

You can complete a form or send an e-mail.