OIV Smartino

Limitless video on demand

What is the OIV OTT Video Cloud?

Over-the-top platform for video and audio content distribution

OIV OTT Video Cloud is an over-the-top internet platform for video and audio content distribution to always connected users who can access it from any device at any time.

Smartino hero

Key functions and advantages of the OIV OTT Video Cloud platform

Cjelovito rješenje za medijske nakladnike koji pružaju usluge live streaminga ili videa na zahtjev uz mogućnost monetizacije pretplatom i prikazom oglasa.

Cloud platform

Cloud platform for video and audio content distribution to always connected viewers

Automatic adjustment

Automatic adjustment toany screen and any device

VOD and live stream

Video on demand (VOD), live streaming

White label

White label platform – complete adjustment to your brand

Subscription and advertising

Subscription model and integration with an advertising system

OIV infrastructure

Reliable OIV infrastructure for mission critical applications

OIV OTT Video Cloud platform architecture

OIV OTT Video Cloud is a comprehensive and reliable solution in the cloud which may be completely adapted to your needs, and our state-of-the-art network infrastructure supports all of the most important delivery formats and protocols. Withthe OIV OTT Video Cloud you will generate additional earnings in your operations precisely because you will not have to invest in your own infrastructure.

Why OIV OTT Video Cloud is an ideal solution for your operations

A complete solution that provides live streaming or video on demand services with the possibility of monetization.


Adapts to all of your business needs.

Integration possibilities

With existing systems or third-party systems.


The OIV OTT infrastructurelets you configure your platform yourself.

Technical support

OIV's experts are at your service 24/7/365.


OIV€™s Network Operations Centres continually monitor the quality of services.


The entire process is protected so that you can be sure of your investment.


OIV's mission critical infrastructure and redundancy

Want to order OIV OTT Video Cloud service?